National State of Environment Report for Uganda 2014

The National State of Environment Report (NSOER) for Uganda 2014 has been developed in line with the statutory obligation for the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to produce biannual NSOER documents. Each report is documented along a specific theme that highlights the significance and obligation around a key environmental issue. The theme for the NSOER 2014 is “Harnessing our environment as infrastructure for sustainable livelihood and development”. This theme emphasizes the role of the natural resource base and environment management as key tenets for livelihoods of the people of Uganda.

The NSOER 2014 complements the implementation of Uganda Vision 2040 whose theme is “A transformed Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”. It also coincides with the process for developing the NDP II for the country with a theme on Strengthening Uganda’s Competitiveness for Sustainable Wealth, Employment and Inclusive growth”.


Country/Region Uganda
Type of Submission Insight
Audience Public
Category Environmental Governance
Tags State of Environment Report, Uganda
Publication Date 12/2/2024
External Resources

By: Administrator , Secretariat Secretariat