One of the top priorities of the Government of South Sudan is to develop and implement sustainable management plans in the sub-sectors of the environment sector, so that the exploitation of natural resources does not adversely impact the environment. Until that is achieved, there is enormous pressure on natural resources, especially on the forests, as over 99 percent of the population of South Sudan depends on forests as their source of energy – fuel wood and charcoal, and timber for construction and furniture. The lack of environmental standards and guidelines to safeguard the exploration and exploitation in the extractive industry has led to pollution in the oil elds and in the surrounding areas. This trend needs to be checked through the formulation of environmental policies, standards and guidelines, and enforcement of these instruments. This first ever State of the Environment and Outlook report for South Sudan will form the basis and the benchmark for assessments, inventories, mapping and valuation of our vast natural resources. The information thus generated will be used for future planning and management of natural resources and environmental protection.
Preparation of the SoE 2010 report was spearheaded by United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) and National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
Section 9 subsections 2(p) of the Environment Management Coordination Act No 8 of 1999 requires that a State of Environment report is prepared and submitted to the National assembly for endorsement every year. The Act also mandates the Authority to coordinate the exercise and present the report to the National assembly. The SoE report documents environmental issues and potential interventions that need to be undertaken by various sectors towards enhancing the status and quality of the environment. This report also forms the basis for the preparation of operational sector policies, enhancement of the integration of environmental concerns into development processes, and preparation of environmental action plans. EfD-K was tasked to provide guidance on highlighting policy issues under each sector covered in the report and giving possible intervention measures.
The National State of Environment Report (NSOER) for Uganda 2014 has been developed in line with the statutory obligation for the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to produce biannual NSOER documents. Each report is documented along a specific theme that highlights the significance and obligation around a key environmental issue. The theme for the NSOER 2014 is “Harnessing our environment as infrastructure for sustainable livelihood and development”. This theme emphasizes the role of the natural resource base and environment management as key tenets for livelihoods of the people of Uganda.
The NSOER 2014 complements the implementation of Uganda Vision 2040 whose theme is “A transformed Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years”. It also coincides with the process for developing the NDP II for the country with a theme on Strengthening Uganda’s Competitiveness for Sustainable Wealth, Employment and Inclusive growth”.
The 2023 summary of South African state of environment and environmental outlook information
The Zambia Environment Outlook (ZEO) is a product of an Integrated Environmental Assessment (EIA), a process of producing and communicating policy-relevant information on key interactions between the natural environment and society.
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